1/29/2025 - 3/15/2025

Stagecraft Academy

A VI Creators Program Course

a 7-Week masterclass in theater production and technical skills 

This program will teach students the theory and practical application of skills necessary to run a successful Theatre Production, but also translate well to other artistic and professional arenas. Industry veterans and seasoned theatre professionals will proctor the courses and provide hands-on lessons as they navigate the program. So hands-on, in fact, that students will put on a production of their own as a program capstone. Every aspect of this show- Production, Lighting, Casting, Costuming, Set Design, Direction, and more- will be led and executed by one of our young artists.

By Show Night, every aspect of the stageplay we enjoy will have been managed and executed by Students. Get your tickets early, it's sure to be a blast!

Show Night: 3/29/2025

On the 29th of March, students will show the world eveything they've learned in a stageplay of their choosing, production, and execution! 

Book your tickets now, it's sure to be a full house!

Meet the team

 Jonelle-Alexis Jackson

Lead Instructor

A multi-creative professional with a background in photography, journalism, and broadcast media production. Alongside her work in media, her extensive experience in Theatre production includes directing Fireflies by Donja R. Love and performing in Sarah and Addie by Anton C. Teytaud and The Piano Lesson by August Wilson. As a dedicated Children’s Theatre Instructor, her enthusiasm for the Arts enables her to assist aspiring theatre practitioners of all ages to develop the skills needed for success in the performing arts. 

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18B-2, Lindbergh Bay, St. Thomas,  Virgin Islands 00802